Title I

Rock Ridge Public Schools operates a Title I that is federally funded. This program is designed to ensure that all children have a fair and equal opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on state academic achievement standards.

Parkview Elementary, North Star Elementary, and Laurentian Elementary all operate targeted assistance programs serving children in grades kindergarten through grade six.


  • Meet the educational needs of children in communities and schools which are affected by poverty, limited English proficient children, migratory children, and young children in need of reading assistance;
  • Close the achievement gap between high and low-performing children, especially the achievement gaps between minority and non-minority students, and between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers;
  • Improve and strengthen accountability, teaching, and learning;
  • Provide children with an enriched and accelerated educational program, including the use of school-wide programs or additional services that increase the amount and quality of instructional time;
  • Provide school-wide reform and ensure the access of children to effective, scientifically based instructional strategies;
  • Afford parents substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.

Title I services are coordinated with the regular education program and may be provided in the classroom or Title I room. Title I children may receive extra assistance in the same setting and time period as their regular classes, or receive intensive individualized instruction for short periods of time outside of the regular classroom setting. Instructional strategies are used that minimize removing children from the regular classroom as much as possible.

A partnership between parents and schools in support of high student performance is an important part of the Title I program. This partnership includes parents in the planning, design, and implementation of the Title I program and a family-school compact describing the mutual responsibilities of parents, students, and the school.

If you have questions, please contact your school principal.

Rock Ridge Public Schools Since 2020

Rock Ridge Public Schools combines the communities of Eveleth, Gilbert, and Virginia into a progressive school district embracing an academy style high school to provide students with a real world learning environment.

District Office

1405 Progress Parkway
Virginia, MN 55792

(218) 735-3500
Fax: 218-744-4381
[email protected]