January 7th COVID Update

Dear Rock Ridge Staff & Families,

Please read the information below slowly and carefully. The information listed in this letter might appear confusing because of the different grade configurations in buildings and the rules and regulations we must follow in bringing students back into a building. Consequently, not all grade levels in all buildings, across the entire school district, are returning to school on exactly the same day. (Most, however, are.) Why? It’s because we are restricted by the rule that we cannot bring back more than three grade levels to any building at any one time. Further grade levels in any building can only be added after a two-week period of time has elapsed. In addition, not all of our buildings in the district house the same grade configurations.

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Rock Ridge Public Schools Since 2020

Rock Ridge Public Schools combines the communities of Eveleth, Gilbert, and Virginia into a progressive school district embracing an academy style high school to provide students with a real world learning environment.

District Office

1405 Progress Parkway
Virginia, MN 55792

(218) 735-3500
Fax: 218-744-4381
[email protected]