K-6 Online School Option Survey

Dear K-6 Parents and Legal Guardians,

As many of you know, the Rock Ridge School District is planning for the return of in-person schooling, starting on Tuesday, September 7. This is what many parents and students have been looking and hoping for.

However, because of concerns over the number of unvaccinated individuals, the number of individuals who are not wearing masks, and the faster spread of the Delta variant, some parents of elementary school students may be interested in a high-quality, online option for their child taught by Rock Ridge teachers who are following the Rock Ridge curriculum. Unlike other online providers, your child will not have five or six or seven different teachers. Your child will have the same outstanding Rock Ridge teacher every day.

The Rock Ridge School District wants to know, if the option were available, how many K-6 students would enroll in 100% online school, run by Rock Ridge elementary school teachers, for the 2021-2022 school year. We must receive a minimum of 15 students in each grade, K-6, interested in 100% online schooling, for this to happen. If we get fewer than 15 students in a grade level interested in 100% online schooling, we will probably not be able to run the class.

Note: This option only applies to K-6 students. It does not apply to 7-12 students. All 7-12 learning will be in-person learning.

If you have already registered your K-6 child for school and you want your child to attend regular in-person schooling, you do not need to do anything and can ignore the contents of this notice.

Parents who select the 100% K-6 online option need to understand:

  1. There is no transportation for online classes.
  2. There is no food service for online classes.
  3. There is no option to take some classes online and other classes in-person. This option will be 100% online.
  • Once selecting this option, and if we have enough students to run the course, parents will not be able to change their minds and send their child back to in-person classes. If parents select this option, it will be for the entire 2021-2022 school year. Once the school year begins, students who have exceptional circumstances occurring during the 2021-2022 school year and want to change back to in-person learning, will need to speak with the principal. However, in order to keep class sizes balanced, between online and in-person classes, very few students (if any) will be allowed to switch back and forth.
  1. All K-6 students enrolling in 100% online instruction will receive a school-issued  iPad.
  2. Instruction will be delivered by an outstanding, local, Rock Ridge elementary school teacher.
  3. If a student has no internet access or very poor internet access, and the student is taking the 100%  online class, Rock Ridge will provide a hotspot for internet access.
  4. The school day for 100% online students will mimic the school hours of in-person instruction.
  5. The school calendar for 100% online students will also mimic the school calendar of in-person instruction.

If you are interested in having your K-6 child take the 100% online course, please complete this short survey using the following link:




If you have multiple K-6 children and you wish to select the 100% online schooling option, please complete a separate survey for each one of your children.

The deadline for submitting your survey answers is Monday, August 30, at midnight.

IMPORTANT: If we have enough students to run the class, it will be on a first-come, first-served basis. If we run the class, to guarantee a spot for your child, complete the survey ASAP.


Reminder: We must have a minimum of 15 students to run each of these classes.

Looking forward to the start of the school year!

If you have not registered your child for school at Rock Ridge, please call one of the following important phone numbers:

  • Parkview Elementary School (K-2 in Virginia): 218-742-3801
  • Roosevelt Elementary School (3-6 in Virginia): 218-742-3944
  • Nelle Shean Elementary School (5-6 in Gilbert): 218-744-7770
  • Franklin Elementary School (K-4 in Eveleth): 218-744-7709


Rock Ridge Public Schools Since 2020

Rock Ridge Public Schools combines the communities of Eveleth, Gilbert, and Virginia into a progressive school district embracing an academy style high school to provide students with a real world learning environment.

District Office

1405 Progress Parkway
Virginia, MN 55792

(218) 735-3500
Fax: 218-744-4381
[email protected]