Communicating with the School Board

As your elected representatives, School Board members welcome questions and conversations related to governing the District. Board members actively participate in many areas throughout the community, attending advisory council meetings, serving on committees and attending school and community meetings and events. Board members welcome invitations to your events and will make an effort to attend.

There are formal and informal opportunities to communicate with the School Board as a whole, as well as with individual Board members.

  • EMAIL: If you wish to communicate with the entire board, please email: [email protected]. All Board members will receive your correspondence. If you wish to contact individual board members, email addresses are published on the School Board home page.
  • BY U.S. MAIL OR TELEPHONE: For some topics or conversations, a phone call may be most effective. Board member phone numbers are published on the School Board home page. Questions or comments can be directed by mail to: Board of Education | Rock Ridge Public Schools | 1405 Progress Parkway, Virginia, MN 55792.
  • PERSONAL MEETINGS: Constituents who wish to meet with individual School Board members may arrange to do so by contacting individual members.
  • PUBLIC COMMENT AT SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS: In the interest of community engagement, the Rock Ridge School Board provides an opportunity for community members to address the Board during regular board meetings. Visitor Input is a standing agenda item at each regular board meeting. Visitor Input is an opportunity for you to address the Board in accordance with established guidelines for public comment. Learn more about the guidelines for public comment and Policy 206: Public Participation in School Board Meetings/Complaints About Persons at School Board Meetings and Data Privacy Considerations.

Public Comment Form

If you would like an opportunity to make a comment before the board, a request must be submitted to the district office or school board chair or by submitting the Public Comment Form at least three (3) hours before the meeting. Please review the guidelines for public comment prior to attending the meeting.

Rock Ridge Public Schools Since 2020

Rock Ridge Public Schools combines the communities of Eveleth, Gilbert, and Virginia into a progressive school district embracing an academy style high school to provide students with a real world learning environment.

District Office

1405 Progress Parkway
Virginia, MN 55792

(218) 735-3500
Fax: 218-744-4381
[email protected]